Say Hello to Our Newest Client
Drift welcomes Chustz Surveying, Inc to our client list! Chustz Surveying has been providing surveying services to Louisiana and surrounding states for over fifteen years and specializes in Geophysical Surveys, Hydrographic Surveying, LIDAR, and Singlebeam and Multibeam Surveys. Basically, it is just really cool. Not knowing much about surveying in general (other than what is done when you buy land) we went out and met with Jimmy Chustz and was introduced to all sorts of cool tech! They showed us maps of the river and sea beds using Hydrographic surveying techniques, the main component of their business as they work closely with the Corps of Engineers as well as the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, the Louisiana Department of Transportation, private engineering firms and the general public. We encourage you to check out their website and services!